Saturday, June 4, 2011

She is walking

Today was a day of much activity. Amelia was moved to her new room this morning, making the trip in a transport chair. She was sitting in the chair for over 30 minutes. Her physical therapist had her up and walking in the AM. She found herself with some new aches and pains as a result of the moving, however, the pain was manageable. She was switched to oral pain meds as opposed to the pain pump from yesterday. They spent some time during the day trying to get the best dosage (see plan for the day picture below).

In the afternoon, Amelia was visited by an occupational therapist who had her perfect the log roll to get out of bed. She walked back and forth in the room and down the hallway less that 28 hours after the surgery...Amazing! He had her practice getting up and down off the toilet. He also her practice taking off and on her socks.

Hopefully Amelia can get some sleep tonight, because she was not able to get much rest during the day today due regular interruptions. Therefore, she is quite tired this evening.

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