Friday, June 3, 2011

Couldn't Sleep... Surprise!

I attribute my being awake to two things. First, I have been hydrating like crazy (do I need to fully explain that thought?) Second, I didn't take any Ambien tonight. I can now honestly say that without drugs to over-ride it, my back pain keeps me awake at night. My discomfort has notably increased these past few months, but I've had drugs to keep me functioning most of the time.

I so look forward to sleeping better in a few weeks time :)

Anywho, as I was laying here, I thought it would be nice to post something that gives a visual for what I'm having done tomorrow. DON'T PANIC. There are no blood or guts in this animation. It just shows how the hardware will be used. However, you should be warned that the videos surrounding it have cover images of some actual surgeries, which do have the real thing. So, be careful not to click on any of those if you're squeamish.

If you want to check it out, here's the link:

In addition, this gal has a wonderfully detailed blog about her successful fusion surgery.. (Please be warned, she's very candid, and not all of it is child friendly content.) She also put up some images from her Flickr account that are great. Before/After pics and x-rays, etc.



To note: I just realized she had the exact same levels/number of vertebrae fused that I am having fused. Jazzy! She grew two inches. BUT my curves are 70 over 70 degrees, hers were 60 over 48. Translation, I am way more wacka-doo, and therefore might gain more height than that? :)

If you aren't one of the 60 people who has viewed this blog in the last 10 hours, be sure to check out my post previous to this one. It has details on my surgery time, hospital stay, contacting/visiting me, etc.

Off to try this 'sleeping thing' again!

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